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AFA Ferret Color and Pattern Poster
The Official American Ferret Association Color Pattern Chart poster is an illustrated standard of the colors and patterns most commonly found in
the domestic ferret. Posters are priced as $10 for the first poster + $4 shipping (shipping covers up to 5 posters in a single shipment), $7 for each additional poster in a single order. This poster is 36" high x 24" wide.
$14.00 first poster |
$7.00 each additional |
AFA Member - $12.60 first poster |
AFA Member - $6.30 each additional |
* Orders are hand processed. Qty discount honored for 2+ posters only. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. |
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Cornell Ferret Anatomy Poster
This Cornell University poster features a detailed color drawing of the anatomy of the domestic ferret. 19" high x 25" wide.
$19.00 each |
AFA Member - $17.10 each |
* Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. |
"What is a Ferret?" Brochure
This easy to read, question and answer format brochure helps dispel some of the myths about ferrets and instructs the new ferret owner in some basic facts.
$0.50 each |
$10.50/pack of 50 |
AFA Member - $0.45 each |
AFA Member - $9.45/pack of 50 |
"Ferrets 101" Brochure
This second installment in a family of brochures contains information on providing a safe
environment for your ferret, proper nutrition, and good general care and husbandry of the ferret.
$0.50 each |
$10.50/pack of 50 |
AFA Member - $0.45 each |
AFA Member - $9.45/pack of 50 |
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The American Ferret Report
The official quarterly newsletter of the American Ferret Association. Ordering will get you the latest issue.
If you want a specific issue, please put that information in the notes section when entering your payment.
Includes US Postage - $6.60 each |
Includes Canadian Postage - $8.00 each |
Includes International Postage - $10.50 each |
click to enlarge
AFA Ferret Shelter Guidelines
This 26 page booklet was written and edited by ferret shelter directors, animal shelter personnel, physicians, researchers,
veterinarians, and ferret breeders from around the nation. The Guidelines discuss ferret husbandry, shelter personnel, health care
and maintenance, suggested adoption procudures and related appendices.
$10.00 each |
AFA Member - $9.00 each |
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2008 Breeding Better Ferrets - The AFA Ferret Breeder Symposium Proceedings Book
The American Ferret Association offered a one and a half day educational symposium geared to the
experienced ferret breeder, the novice ferret breeder, and even those considering
breeding ferrets in the not so distant future. Topics included Ferret Reproduction Health; Nutrition for Breeding Ferrets and Kits;
Hand Feeding Kits; Skills of a Breeder/Tools for Breeders; Pedigree Analysis - Confirmation and Health;
Selection of Partners/Formula Breeding; Early Neurological Stimulation Exercises.
$20.00 each |
AFA Member - $18.00 each |
AFA Memberships --
Education & Reference --
Ferret Books --
Ferret Themed Items
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Send checks or money orders via postal mail. You may place credit card orders by telephone or postal mail. Address and phone numbers are listed on each form.
→ Printable Product Order Form (.pdf 128kb)
→ Membership page containing new member and renewal forms