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Ferret Expo® 2002

Adolescent Championship Class

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Shady Hollow Ferretry's A Black Tie Affair
owner: Sally Heber
Hidden Gem Ferret's Colypso
owner: Gina Udes
Shady Hollow Ferretry's A Black Tie Affair
owner: Sally Heber
Best in Show Adolescent Shady Hollow Ferretry's A Black Tie Affair
owner: Sally Heber

Alter Championship Class

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Highlander Ferret's Fletcher of Shamalar
owner: Gail Burlaka
Shady Hollow Ferretry's FireStorm
owner: Holly Layman
Scarletts Happy Dookers' Dallas of The Hobbitry
owner: Bunny Kaldor
Best in Show Alter Scarletts Happy Dookers' Dallas of The Hobbitry
owner: Bunny Kaldor

Breeder Championship Class

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Shady Hollow Ferretry's Lady Alysoun FireFlower
owner: Helen Tarbert
Treasured Ferrets' Mr. Lou
owner: Pat Musick
Sven II
owner: Todd and Maryanne Miller
Best in Show Breeder Sven II
owner: Todd and Maryanne Miller

Companion Pet Class

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
owner: Jen Tronco & Dan Carroll
owner: Jen Tronco & Dan Carroll
owner: Jen Tronco & Dan Carroll
Best in Show Companion Willow
owner: Jen Tronco & Dan Carroll

Premier Classes

Breeders' Classic Shady Hollow Ferretry / Sally Heber
Primary: Shady Hollow's FireStorm  owner: Holly Layman
Secondary: Shady Hollow's FireWorks (aka Batman)  owner: Sally Heber
Teriary: Weasel's Warlock  owner: Pat Stauffer
Invitational Premier Shady Hollow Ferretry's FireWorks (aka Batman)
owner: Sally Heber

Specialty Classes

Albino/Dark-Eyed White Fire Storm Ferrets' Gisborne's Snuggles
owner: Kay Amrine
Black Mitt Shady Hollow Ferretry's A Black Tie Affair
owner: Sally Heber
Black Sable Just A Business of Ferrets' Minky of Shady Hollow Ferretry
owner: Sally Heber
Champagne Double Dookers' Mind Eraser of Just A Business of Ferrets
owner: Vickie McKimmey
Chocolate Tequila Sunrise
owner: Kymberlie Barone
Mutt Amira Mutley
owner: Erin Simpkins
Panda/Blaze DreamCatcher Ferrets' Moon Stalker
owner: Cindy Sooy
Physically Challenged Scarletts Happy Dookers' Duncan
owner: Deanna Hoffman
Point Scarletts Happy Dookers' Sunny's Black Jack of Fire Storm Ferrets
owner: Kay Amrine
Roan Mischief Makers Ferrets' Taffy Twinkletoes of Fire Storm Ferrets
owner: Kay Amrine
Sable hob Hillcrest Ferrets' Sir Parker Polecat
owner: Kerry Fabrizio
Sable jill Treasured Ferrets' Eezell
owner: Gina Udes
Shelter/Rescue Kazimir Alexander
owner: Kathleen Carl
Super Seniors Shady Hollow Ferretry's Hot Daring Dylan of Just A Business of Ferrets
owner: Vickie McKimmey

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