American Ferret Association, Inc.
  About the AFA: History, Goals & Services

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In 1987, a small group of ferret owners created a ferret club in Montgomery County, Maryland. As the club expanded, members began to organize ferret shows, "fun match" competitions and educational events. To reflect this growth, a new charter was written in 1990 and the club became the mid-Atlantic Ferret Association.

By this time, the domestic ferret had become the third most popular interactive household pet in the USA. People from all over the country were eager to get more information about ferrets. It became apparent that yet another change was required to meet the needs of ferret owners everywhere. The organization adopted a national focus and became the American Ferret Association (AFA) on January 1, 1991. Following this change, AFA was incorporated in the state of Maryland in April 1992 and received 501(c)(3) status in August 1992.

AFA has gone through many changes over the years, but we are continuing to expand our services and programs. Our plans include the development of seminars and educational material on ferrets, expanding our ferret show schedule, encouraging continuing education programs for ferret veterinarians and providing support to the Black Footed Ferret Program.


To promote the domestic ferret as a companion animal through public education via shows, newsletters, legislative education, and other venues.
To protect the domestic ferret against anti-ferret legislation, mistreatment, unsound breeding practices and overpopulation, needless scientific research, and any practice deemed to lower the health standards or survivability of the animal.
To provide constant and up-to-date information about veterinarians, legislative activities, medical developments, research data, rescue shelters and other information of interest to ferret fanciers everywhere.

Services and Programs

The AFA is a source of ferret related information from the country's leading ferret experts.
The AFA can provide you with local veterinary referrals.
If you wish to adopt a ferret, the AFA can direct you to a shelter or rescue near you. If you operate a shelter or are thinking of doing so, you may wish to purchase the AFA's Shelter Guidelines handbook.
Looking for a new addition? Ask the AFA for a list of breeders in your area. Additionally, the AFA provides education and support for breeders throughout the USA and overseas to encourage sound breeding and husbandry practices.
Learn more about ferrets and ferret care by attending one of the AFA's educational seminars or demonstrations.
Veterinarians and others interested in veterinary medicine can advance their knowledge at the AFA's Comprehensive Veterinary Symposium: Management of the Ferret.
The AFA provides data, resources and support for ferret supporters working toward legislation that will protect the domestic ferret and the rights of ferret owners.
Every year, the AFA sanctions a number of championship ferret shows throughout the country.
The AFA continues to develop and maintain a professional ferret show system and judging standard. The AFA trains, licenses and provides continuing education for ferret judges and maintains a database of points and titles awarded at AFA sanctioned shows.