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AFA Show System -- Standard(.pdf) / Colors -- AFA Judges -- Show Calendar -- Results -- Ferret of the Year

2018 Winter Nationals - Lovettsville, VA - December 8, 2018
Sponsored by the American Ferret Association, Inc.

Adolescent Title Class - class of 20

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber HCF's Tenzing Norgay
Owner: Ann Barzda
Ring 2 Mary McCarty LSD's Trekkin' Across the Tundra
Owner: M.J. Frank
Ring 3 Randy Corbin HCF's Tenzing Norgay
Owner: Ann Barzda
Best In Class: HCF's Tenzing Norgay owned by Ann Barzda
Best Opposite: LSD's Trekkin' Across the Tundra owned by M.J. Frank

Alter Title Class - class of 17

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Ann Barzda FSF's After the Hurricane (Jazmine)
Owner: Emmy Flinn
Ring 2 Scarlett Gray-Saling JBF's Remy
Owner: Roland Schalker
Ring 3 Jessie Molan SHD's MerryMaker Gingerbread Stout
Owner: Lori McKenna
Best In Class: JBF's Remy owned by Roland Schalker
Best Opposite: FSF's After the Hurricane (Jazmine) owned by Emmy Flinn

Breeder Title Class - class of 18

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber NB's The Devil's Thoughts
Owner: Mary McCarty
Ring 2 Mary McCarty JBF's Macallan of SHD
Owner: Scarlett Gray-Saling
Ring 3 Randy Corbin NB's The Devil's Thoughts
Owner: Mary McCarty
Best In Class: NB's The Devil's Thoughts owned by Mary McCarty
Best Opposite: WLF's Ling Ling Panda Girl owned by Peggy Martin

Companion Title Class - class of 15

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Ann Barzda Ben
Owner: Rachel Scholvin
Ring 2 Scarlett Gray-Saling Orlando
Owner: Sue Schwartz
Ring 3 Jessie Molan Finn
Owner: Ian and Corinna Kellogg
Best In Class: Orlando owned by Sue Schwartz
Best Opposite: Rosie owned by Ian and Corinna Kellogg

Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Judge Winner
Albino/Dark-eyed White Vickie McKimmey FPWC's Princess Fluff owned by Dawn Schell
Black Mitt/Black Roan Mitt Bill Bahring NB's Frost At Midnight owned by Mary McCarty
Black Sable Vickie McKimmey FPWC's SideWinder of FP owned by Jessie Molan
Blaze/Mutt/Panda Bill Bahring Spellcaster owned by Chris Childs
Champagne Bill Bahring SHD's MerryMaker Gingerbread Stout owned by Lorie McKenna
Chocolate Bill Bahring SHD's Godiva owned by Lorie McKenna
Mitt Bill Bahring NB's Frost At Midnight owned by Mary McCarty
Passport Required Vickie McKimmey HCF's Riggins owned by Kristin Raphel
Physically Challenged Ann Barzda FPWC's SideWinder of FP owned by Jessie Molan
Point Sally Heber WLF's Ling Ling Panda Girl owned by Peggy Martin
Roan Bill Bahring FSF's Zarskaya of FP owned by Jessie Molan
Sable Bill Bahring HCF's Riggins owned by Kristin Raphel
Shelter/Rescue Jessie Molan Finn owned by Ian and Corinna Kellogg
Super Seniors Ann Barzda Ottis owned by Rachel Scholvin

Premier Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Judge Winner
Invitational Scarlett Gray-Saling JBF's Ruby Slipper owned by Ian and Corinna Kellogg