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AFA Show System -- Standard(.pdf) / Colors -- AFA Judges -- Show Calendar -- Results -- Ferret of the Year

2010 Dooktoberfest - Frederick, MD - October 30, 2010
Sponsored by the American Ferret Association, Inc. & Wild Weezil Women on Wine

Adolescent Title Class - class of 41

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber W’s Toruk Makto Weasel
Owner: Pat Stauffer
Ring 2 Vickie McKimmey GFX's Big Block
Owner: Sally Heber
Ring 3 Julie Bender GFX’s Monkey Spanker (Spanx) of JBF
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Best In Class: JBF’s Kamikaze Kool (Zeke) owned by Vickie McKimmey
Best Opposite: JBF’s Stiletto (Tilly) owned by Vickie McKimmey

Breeder Title Class - class of 40

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Ann Barzda WWW’s Domino
Owner: Paula Woodland
Ring 2 Mary McCarty PFH’s Tavi
Owner: Tara Palaski
Ring 3 Paula Woodland SNF’s Sienna of FPWC
Owner: Susie Mentzer & Joe Hahn
Best In Class: WWW's Domino owned by Paula Woodland
Best Opposite: SNF’s Sienna of FPWC owned by Susie Mentzer & Joe Hahn

Alter Title Class - class of 18

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Randy Corbin TCF’s Crazy Like a Fox of FHBTS
Owner: Lisa Leidig
Ring 2 Scarlett Gray-Saling JBF’s Dark'n Dirty
Owner: Amy Chepalonis
Ring 3 Jessie Molan JBF’s Dark'n Dirty
Owner: Amy Chepalonis
Best In Class: JBF’s Dark'n Dirty owned by Amy Chepalonis
Best Opposite: TCF's Crazy Like a Fox of FHBTS owned by Lisa Leidig

Companion Title Class - class of 19

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Randy Corbin Possum
Owner: Tamara Delp
Ring 2 Scarlett Gray-Saling Possum
Owner: Tamara Delp
Ring 3 Jessie Molan Farley
Owner: Tamara Delp
Best In Class: Possum owned by Tamara Delp
Best Opposite: Farley owned by Tamara Delp

Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Judge Winner
Albino/Dark-eyed White Georgie Hindsman Possum owned by Tamara Delp
Black Mitt/Black Roan Mitt Dr. Ruth Heller HTF’s Lace 'Em Up of GFX owned by Julie Bender
Black Sable Penny Hendrix FPWC's Marion owned by Susan Mentzer & Joe Hahn
Blaze/Mutt/Panda Sara Hamilton Augustus of THHG owned by Rob & Lynn Toole
Champagne Dr. Ruth Heller Pennykins owned by Amy Chepalonis
Chocolate FPWC’s Lunar Weasel owned by Susie Mentzer & Joe Hahn
Mitt Penny Hendrix HTF's Lace Em Up of GFX owned by Julie Bender
Passport Required Mary McCarty PFH’s Tavi owned by Tara Palaski
Physically Challenged Lisa Little PFH’s Tater Tot owned by Erin & Jamie Helms
Point Sara Hamilton FPWC’s Mondo Weasel owned by Peggy Martin
Roan Rob Toole Grizel owned by Joann O'Toole
Sable Sara Hamilton SHD’s Harry Potter's Crookshanks of TFNF owned by Melissa Nelson
Shelter/Rescue Lisa Little Buddy of THHG owned by Rob & Lynn Toole
Super Seniors Lisa Little RN’s Sulphur Springs owned by Dr. Ruth Heller