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AFA Show System -- Standard(.pdf) / Colors -- AFA Judges -- Show Calendar -- Results -- Ferret of the Year

AFA Spring Nationals - York, PA - March 17, 2007
Sponsored by the American Ferret Association, Inc.

Adolescent Title Class - class of 41

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber MMF's Little John
Owner: Joy Decker
Ring 2 Mary McCarty FP's Tir na nOg
Owner: Jessie Molan
Ring 3 Ann Barzda SH's Royal FireBolt
Owner: Sally Heber
Best In Class: SH's Night Sky owned by Sally Heber
Best Opposite: SH's Fire Walk With Me of GFX owned by Julie Bender

Breeder Title Class - class of 25

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber JBF's Malibu Moonshine
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Ring 2 Mary McCarty JBF's Malibu Moonshine
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Ring 3 Vickie McKimmey FFP's Princess Mittsy
Owner: Barbara Anshutz
Best In Class: JBF's Malibu Moonshine owned by Vickie McKimmey
Best Opposite: SH's Indigo FireWorks owned by Sally Heber

Alter Title Class - class of 41

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Randy Corbin JBF's Sir Duncan Hyde of HTF
Owner: Kerry Fabrizio
Ring 2 Kerry Fabrizio FFP's Tippy
Owner: Kathleen Stewart
Ring 3 Paula Johnson MMF's Flying Fortune
Owner: Mary Bologansky
Best In Class: JBF's Sir Duncan Hyde of HTF owned by Kerry Fabrizio
Best Opposite: FF's Motaki owned by Kelly Hermann

Companion Title Class - class of 31

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Randy Corbin Chevy
Owner: Penny Hendrix & Roland Schalker
Ring 2 Kerry Fabrizio Chevy
Owner: Penny Hendrix & Roland Schalker
Ring 3 Paula Johnson Holly
Owner: Mick & Gina Cliffe
Best In Class: Chevy owned by Penny Hendrix & Roland Schalker
Best Opposite: Holly owned by Mick & Gina Cliffe

Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Winner
Albino/Dark-Eyed White FF’s Motaki owned by Kelly Hermann
Black Mitt/Black Roan Mitt SH’s Zapata of MCF owned by Linda Gurule
Black Sable SH’s Indigo FireWorks owned by Sally Heber
Champagne Pippi owned by Valerie Hardwick
Chocolate SH’s Creme Brulee of PFH owned by Tara Palaski
Mitt SH’s Doc Holiday owned by Wendy Loughlin
Panda/Blaze/Mutt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart owned by Rita & Ron Brannan
Passport Required GFX’s On Your Mark (Ready?) owned by Kerry Fabrizio
Point RN’s Spicy Hot Nuts owned by Dr. Ruth Heller
Roan SH’s Zapata of MCF owned by Linda Gurule
Sable Angie owned by Susan Mentzer
Physically Challenged FP’s Borumha (Boru) owned by Jessie Molan
Shelter Riley Ryan Newferret owned by Kym Costanzo
Super Seniors JBF’s Sasha owned by Jane Bradley

Premier Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Winner
Invitational MMF’s Xiomaro owned by Linda Gurule