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AFA Show System -- Standard(.pdf) / Colors -- AFA Judges -- Show Calendar -- Results -- Ferret of the Year

2007 Spring Ferret Fandango - Gilbertsville, PA - April 28, 2007
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Ferret Club & Shelter

Adolescent Title Class - class of 23

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Mike Orlowski GFX's Pyrokinetic
Owner: Julie Bender
Ring 2 Ann Barzda GFX's On Your Mark (Ready?) of HTF
Owner: Kerry Fabrizio
Ring 3 Kerry Fabrizio SHD's Saphira Vino
Owner: Scarlett Gray-Saling
Best In Class: GFX's On Your Mark (Ready?) of HTF owned by Kerry Fabrizio
Best Opposite: GFX's Pyrokinetic owned by Julie Bender

Breeder Title Class - class of 24

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Mike Orlowski JBF's Malibu Moonshine
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Ring 2 Ann Barzda SH's Royal FireBolt (the Prince)
Owner: Sally Heber
Ring 3 Kerry Fabrizio JBF's Malibu Moonshine
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Best In Class: JBF's Malibu Moonshine owned by Vickie McKimmey
Best Opposite: FFP's Hurricane Hailey owned by Chris Sayne

Alter Title Class - class of 37

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Scarlett Gray-Saling DM's Surprise in Disguise
Owner: Mary Bologansky
Ring 2 Kay Amrine NB's Zovia Rain
Owner: Mary McCarty
Ring 3 Kathy Bulgrin FFP's Tippy
Owner: Kathleen Stewart
Best In Class: FFP's Tippy owned by Kathleen Stewart
Best Opposite: NB's Zovia Rain owned by Mary McCarty

Companion Title Class - class of 29

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Kay Amrine Holly
Owner: Gina & Mick Cliffe
Ring 2 Kathy Bulgrin Pogo
Owner: Penny Hendrix & Roland Schalker
Ring 3 Lori Sies Scoots
Owner: Kelly Hermann
Best In Class: Holly owned by Gina & Mick Cliffe
Best Opposite: Pogo owned by Penny Hendrix & Roland Schalker

Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Judge Winner
Albino/Dark-Eyed White Penny Hendrix FF's Motaki owned by Kelly Hermann
Black Mitt/Black Roan Mitt Penny Hendrix PF's Onua Nuva owned by Kisten Palm
Black Sable Penny Hendrix Wyatt's Riot owned by Mary Bologansky
Champagne Penny Hendrix Zovia Rain owned by Mary McCarty
Chocolate Jessie Molan PFH's Flutterbye Kisses owned by Kym Costanzo
Mitt Lisa Little JBF's Malibu Moonshine owned by Vickie McKimmey
Panda/Blaze/Mutt Lisa Little Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart owned by Rita & Ron Brannan
Passport Required Lisa Little Viva Las Vegas owned by Chris Sayne
Point Jessie Molan Taakawa Ale owned by Scarlett Gray-Saling
Roan Jessie Molan PF's Sam I Am owned by Kisten Palm
Sable Jessie Molan My Sweet Gypsy Rose owned by Kym Costanzo
Shelter (Adopted with Love) Jessie Molan Holly owned by Gina & Mick Cliffe
Super Seniors Lisa Little SH's Adieu of JBF owned by Vickie McKimmey
Senor of the Fandango Kym Costanzo PF's Sam I Am owned by Kisten Palm
Senorita of the Fandango Kym Costanzo SHD's Sparrowhawk of RN owned by Beth Bowles

Premier Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Judge Winner
Invitational Ann Barzda JBF's Malibu Moonshine owned by Vickie McKimmey