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AFA Show System -- Standard(.pdf) / Colors -- AFA Judges -- Show Calendar -- Results -- Ferret of the Year

2007 Fall Ferret Fandango - Gilbertsville, PA - September 22, 2007
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Ferret Club & Shelter

Adolescent Title Class - class of 55

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Vickie McKimmey GFX's Slap Shot of HTF
Owner: Kerry Fabrizio
Ring 2 Mike Orlowski JBF's Easy Rider
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Ring 3 Kerry Fabrizio GFX's Ghetto Fabulous
Owner: Julie Bender
Best In Class: JBF's Easy Rider owned by Vickie McKimmey
Best Opposite: SH's Fire & Ice owned by Sally Heber

Breeder Title Class - class of 31

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Vickie McKimmey SH's Secret Squirrel of GFX
Owner: Julie Bender
Ring 2 Mike Orlowski HCF's Phantom of the Night of FSF
Owner: Kay Amrine
Ring 3 Kerry Fabrizio SHD's Murtagh Ale
Owner: Scarlett Gray-Saling
Best In Class: HCF's Phantom of the Night of FSF owned by Kay Amrine
Best Opposite: SH's Misty Moonlight owned by Sally Heber

Alter Title Class - class of 24

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber SH's Tashi Delek
Owner: Patty Asheuer
Ring 2 Kay Amrine SH's FireBrand
Owner: Sally Heber
Ring 3 Kathy Bulgrin JTA's Odie of FPWC
Owner: Susan Mentzer and Joe Hahn
Best In Class: JTA's Odie of FPWC owned by Susan Mentzer and Joe Hahn
Best Opposite: SH's Tashi Delek owned by Patty Asheuer

Companion Title Class - class of 35

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Mary McCarty Chevy
Owner: Penny Hendrix & Roland Schalker
Ring 2 Kay Amrine Alanis
Owner: Betty Ruth Yerger
Ring 3 Kathy Bulgrin Ringo
Owner: Betty Ruth Yerger
Best In Class: Alanis owned by Betty Ruth Yerger
Best Opposite: Martin owned by Betty Ruth Yerger

Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Judge Winner
Albino/Dark-Eyed White Penny Hendrix Pe-pe la Peugh owned by Nancy Wilson
Black Mitt/Black Roan Mitt Penny Hendrix SNF's O'Conner of TCF owned by Danee DeVore
Black Sable Lisa Little JBF's Pink Squirrel owned by Vickie McKimmey
Champagne Penny Hendrix Jolly Roger owned by Jackie Ferguson
Chocolate Lisa Little Chere Marie owned by Vickie McKimmey
Mitt Penny Hendrix JBF's Easy Rider owned by Vickie McKimmey
Panda/Blaze/Mutt Lisa Little Kenai owned by Joy Decker
Passport Required Jessie Molan HCF's Phantom of the Night of FSF owned by Kay Amrine
Point Lisa Little SHD's Luna Bella of TCF owned by Danee DeVore
Roan Penny Hendrix Ellie owned by Andrea Pigeon
Sable Penny Hendrix Hunnee de Bear of SFF owned by Carol Krause
Shelter (Adopted with Love) Lisa Little Holly owned by Gina & Mick Cliffe
Super Seniors (Aging Gracefully) Lisa Little SH's Tashi Delek owned by Patty Asheuer
Senorita of the Fandango Kym Costanzo Lucy owned by Betty Ruth Yerger