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AFA Show System -- Standard(.pdf) / Colors -- AFA Judges -- Show Calendar -- Results -- Ferret of the Year

Ferret Buckeye Bash - Columbus, OH - August 27, 2005
Sponsored by the Heart of Ohio Ferret Association

Adolescent Jill Title Class

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber FSF’s Samis Aran
Owner: Kistin Palm
Ring 2 Vickie McKimmey NB’s O’ My Yasmin
Owner: Mary McCarty
Ring 3 Kerry Fabrizio JBF’s Cocomocha
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Best In Class: JBF’s Cocomocha owned by Vickie McKimmey

Adolescent Hob Title Class

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Mike Orlowski SH’s Sabre FireLight
Owner: Holly Layman
Ring 2 Randy Corbin NB’s Luther Porter of HTF
Owner: Kerry Fabrizio
Ring 3 Mary McCarty JBF’s Mojito
Owner: Vickie McKimmey
Best In Class: NB’s Luther Porter of HTF owned by Kerry Fabrizio

Breeder Title Class

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Sally Heber UI’s Angel of WF
Owner: Barbara Anshutz
Ring 2 Vickie McKimmey SH’s Milady de Winter of RN
Owner: Dr. Ruth Heller
Ring 3 Kerry Fabrizio SHD’s Pinot Noir
Owner: Scarlett Gray-Saling
Best In Class: FOTH’s Black Magic of JBF owned by Vickie McKimmey
Best Opposite: SHD's Cassis Bordeaux owned by Scarlet Gray-Saling

Alter Title Class

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Mike Orlowski MMF’s Tiffany Grace of FOS
Owner: Gail S. Burlaka
Ring 2 Randy Corbin FSF’s Kiva
Owner: Kisten Palm
Ring 3 Mary McCarty SH’s Cameron FireBolt
Owner: Sara Laliberte
Best In Class: FSF’s Kiva owned by Kisten Palm
Best Opposite: SH’s Cameron FireBolt owned by Sara Laliberte

Companion Title Class

  Judge Winner
Ring 1 Ann Barzda Remy Martin
Owner: Erika Vornehm
Ring 2 Lori Sies Kitfisto
Owner: Kisten Palm
Ring 3 Pam Thomason T.L. Ting
Owner: Jessie Molan
Best In Class: T.L. Ting owned by Jessie Molan
Best Opposite: Remy Martin owned by Erika Vornehm

Specialty Classes

Specialty Class Winner
Albino/Dark-Eyed White T.L. Ting owned by Jessie Molan
Black Mitt/Black Roan Mitt JBF's Malibu Moonshine owned by Vickie McKimmeyn
Black Sable FOTH’s Black Magic of JBF owned by Vickie McKimmey
Champagne MF’s Reese of ELF owned by Keri Burleson
Chocolate Hershey owned by Marguerite Rauenzahn
Mitt JBF’s Malibu Moonshine owned by Vickie McKimmey
Blaze/Panda It’s a Figment of Your Imagination owned by Marguerite Rauenzahn
Mutt SHD’s Oopsie Daisy owned by Jackie Ferguson
Passport Required-Hobs RN’s Gandolf owned by Tara Liebert
Passport Required-Jills SHD’s Cristal Dragon owned by Scarlett Gray-Saling
Physically Challenged FF’s Devon owned by Shelly McAllister
Point Hob RN's Hot Salty Nuts owned by Dr. Ruth Heller
Point Jill SHD’s Kirsch owned by Scarlett Gray-Saling
Roan The Unwritten Sibbey owned by Emily Frazer
Sable Hob Buddy owned by Susan Mentzer
Sable Jill SH's Cricket Serenade of PFH owned by Tara Palaski
Shelter/Rescue Sophie owned by Barb Anshutz
Super Senior TH's Kiowa Poko of Stafford owned by Mike & Arita Morrett

Premier Specialty Classes

Premier Class Winner
Invitational SHD's Cassis Bordeaux owned by Scarlett Gray-Saling
Breeder's Classic Primary: SHD's Sonic Boom owned by Kay Amrine